(Informacije in cenik produktov si lahko ogledate na naši ločeni strani)
Če želite naročiti doTERRA produkte vas naprošamo, da kliknete na stran, kjer so naročila in tam najprej izpolnite obrazec. Po tem ko izberete vaš začetni komplet, boste morda želeli naročiti izdelke tudi kasneje na mesečni ravni (Program nagrad in zvestobe ali LRP). Cene so tako 25% nižje od maloprodaje in če naročate preko Programa nagrad in zvestobe, si lahko prislužite med 10 - 30% povrnjenega bonusa, to je kot doTERRA denar, katerega lahko uporabite za naročilo brezplačnih produktov.
25% nižje cene za naše člane + 30% povrnjenega bonusa = 55% popusta
Welcome to our Slovenian information pages!
(Check the Product Guide and Pricelist on their separate pages)
If you want to order doTERRA products, please, go to the Order Form page and fill out the form. After you choose your starter kit, you may choose products for the monthly order (Loyalty Rewards Program or LRP). The prices are 25% lower than the retail prices, and if you order through the LRP, you can earn 10-30% back as bonuses. These are like doTERRA money, which you can use for ordering products for free.
25% cheaper prices for our member customers + 30% back as bonuses = 55% discount
(Informacije in cenik produktov si lahko ogledate na naši ločeni strani)
Če želite naročiti doTERRA produkte vas naprošamo, da kliknete na stran, kjer so naročila in tam najprej izpolnite obrazec. Po tem ko izberete vaš začetni komplet, boste morda želeli naročiti izdelke tudi kasneje na mesečni ravni (Program nagrad in zvestobe ali LRP). Cene so tako 25% nižje od maloprodaje in če naročate preko Programa nagrad in zvestobe, si lahko prislužite med 10 - 30% povrnjenega bonusa, to je kot doTERRA denar, katerega lahko uporabite za naročilo brezplačnih produktov.
25% nižje cene za naše člane + 30% povrnjenega bonusa = 55% popusta
Welcome to our Slovenian information pages!
(Check the Product Guide and Pricelist on their separate pages)
If you want to order doTERRA products, please, go to the Order Form page and fill out the form. After you choose your starter kit, you may choose products for the monthly order (Loyalty Rewards Program or LRP). The prices are 25% lower than the retail prices, and if you order through the LRP, you can earn 10-30% back as bonuses. These are like doTERRA money, which you can use for ordering products for free.
25% cheaper prices for our member customers + 30% back as bonuses = 55% discount